How to Preserve Herbs

Drying Methods:
There are many ways to dry herbs! You’ll know your herb is done drying when you can crush it in your hand and it is crispy and brittle. Store dried herbs in jars or plastic bags out of direct sunlight.

Before drying, rinse your herbs to remove any dirt. Shake and blot them dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.

  • For a small amount of herbs you can scatter them on a paper towel or paper plate on the kitchen counter. They should be dried and ready to store after 3-7 days.

  • Hanging: Hang small bundles in a dry ventilated area of your home.

  • Dehydrator: Set your dehydrator to 115 degrees F, place the herbs scattered on your racks evenly. There should be a nice even spaced out layer of herbs. Dry in dehydrator for 2-8 hours depending on the herb. Check periodically.

Freezing Methods:

  • Bare Plant:  Rosemary, dill, thyme, or sage are all hardy enough to freeze whole. Put your rinsed and dried herbs on a baking sheet or plate in the freezer (to avoid freezing in clumps). Then transfer to freezer safe container or bag and continue to store in the freezer.

  • Ice Cube Trays: This method works well for freezing tender herbs such as cilantro, parsley or mint. Remove stems, finely chop the leaves. Pack the chopped herb into ice cube trays. Pour water over the herb and put in freezer. Once frozen you can remove the cubes from the tray into a ziploc bag.